Publication Types:

Introduction to Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics

Book Chapter
E. Kweku Osam, Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon
Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics, Pages 1-25
Publication year: 2023
A Smart Ghana Repatriation Guide

Of Repatriation, Rivers and Rivulets

Book Chapter
Kambon, Ọ.
A Smart Ghana Repatriation Guide. Washington, DC: Adinkra Group.
Publication year: 2021

Capoeira, Its Value as ICH and the Open School Project: Experiences and Reflections

Book Chapter
Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon
Traditional Martial Arts As Intangible Cultural Heritage (pp. 17-28). Chungju-si: UNESCO-ICM.
Publication year: 2020

The Pro-Indo-Aryan Anti-Black M.K. Gandhi and Ghana’s #GandhiMustFall Movement

Book Chapter
Kambon, Ọ., & Appiagyei-Atua, K.
(2018). The Pro-Indo-Aryan Anti-Black M.K. Gandhi and Ghana’s #GandhiMustFall Movement. In Oxford Rhodes Must Fall Movement (Ed.), Rhodes Must Fall: The Struggle to Decolonise the Racist Heart of Empire. London: Zed Books.
Publication year: 2018
Theory and description in African Linguistics

Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan: The Question of Intervening Elements

Book ChapterConference Proceedings
Kambon, Ọ., Duah, R., & Appah, C.
(2018). Serial verb nominalization in Akan: The question of intervening elements. In E. Clem, P. Jenks & H. Sande (eds.), Theory and description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from ACAL 47 (361–386). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Publication year: 2018
political communication in africa

Singing Truth to Power and the Disempowered: The Case of Lucky Mensah and his Song, “Nkratoɔ”

Book Chapter
Kambon, Ọ., & Adjei, G. K.
Political Communication in Africa (pp. 133-158). Berlin: Springer
Publication year: 2017

Recalling a Common Struggle for Pan-Africanism: Nkrumah’s and Nasser’s Policies on the Congo Crisis (1960-1966)

Book ChapterConference Proceedings
Abdellatif, M., & Kambon, Ọ.
Revisiting African Studies in a Globalized World (pp. 63-76). Tema, Ghana: Smartline.
Publication year: 2017