Publication Types:

Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan

Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan

Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon
Kambon, Ọ. (2012). Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan. (PhD). University of Ghana, Legon.
Publication year: 2012
Recurrent Sound Correspondences of Akan and Yoruba and their Significance for Proto-Benue-Kwa (East Volta-Congo) C1 Reconstruction

Recurrent Sound Correspondences of Akan and Yoruba and their Significance for Proto-Benue-Kwa (East Volta-Congo) C1 Reconstruction

Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon
Kambon, O. (2005). Recurrent Sound Correspondences of Akan and Yoruba and their Significance for Proto-Benue-Kwa (East Volta-Congo) C1 Reconstruction. (Masters Thesis). University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin.
Publication year: 2005