Publication Types:

Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics

E. Kweku Osam, Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon
Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics
Publication year: 2023

Therapeutic Communication Competencies for Nurses and Midwives

Amfo, Nana Aba Appiah, Tọ́pẹ́ Ọmọniyì, Nii Teiko Teigo, Ọbádélé Kambon, and Kofi Korankye Saah
Therapeutic Communication Competencies for Nurses and Midwives. Tema: Digibooks.
Publication year: 2018

Skhmkht Ea

Shemsw Bak
Skhmkht Ea: On Love Sublime: A multilingual translation of an ancient African love poem. Popenguine, Senegal: Per Ankh. (Yorùbá Translation)
Publication year: 2018