


Alavanyo #3 is here! Check the promo below and purchase an advance copy of the full video here. The Film Screening and Discussion will be Saturday October 3, 2020 at 1pm Ghana Time, 9am Eastern Time.


“Good God who created the Sun which shines on us from above, who rouses the sea and makes the thunder rumble; Listen!

God though hidden in a cloud watches over us.

The god of the white man calls forth crime but our God wills good works.

Our God who is good commands us to vengeance. He will direct our arms and help us.

Throw away the likeness of the white man’s god who has so often brought us to tears and listen to liberty which speaks in all our hearts” – Boukman Dutty (Leader of the Haitian Revolution) –


Africa needs to stop looking to the West for direction, they say. But that would mean Africa would stop looking up to the white man’s God. Only since the late 1400s, God began to be portrayed in the image of the white man, light in complexion, blue eyes, long blond hair, all white. The lies we allowed to enter into the minds of our young ones are the cause of our psychological inferiority complex and, ultimately, our underdevelopment.

This low-self-esteem mindset has dire repercussions for how we see ourselves and our growth and development as a people.

‘What you do for yourself depends on what you think of yourself and what you think of yourself depends on what you know of yourself and what you know of yourself depends on what you have been told.’ – Dr. Runoko Rashidi

According to Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon, a repatriated African and Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies, images of Black Mary and Black Jesus have existed for centuries and can be found all over the world, including in the Vatican. However, the story of Jesus itself is just the plagiarized story of Heru—allegory of the sun from Kemet. The oldest religious document in the world is the pyramid text, which is found in the pyramid of Unas in Africa, Kemet—some 5,000 years ago. The first concepts of death and resurrection of a savior, judgment in the afterlife, immaculate conception, holy trinity, creation by means of a divine Word, the destruction of mankind in a flood, parting of waters, and more all come from Africa.

None but ourselves can free our mind- Bob Marley

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