


In this presentation Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon will discuss what has happened when our goal was to raise consciousness rather than raising behavior. This lopsided effect has led to those who may appear to have Afrikan-centered thought and even Afrikan-centered speech, but the behavior is anything but Afrikan centered. What foods do we eat? In what types of houses do we live? What languages do we speak to our children? This talk will frame the rhetorical ethic in the context of “Aggressive Ideological Mimicry” whereby not everything is what it seems to be. Moreover, we will discuss “Afrikan-Centered Schools” that have become factories to churn out workers for building the white nation rather than Kmt: the Afrikan=Black Nation. Finally the presentation will address the foregoing in terms of why we have made so little progress and the way forward for making substantive intergenerational progress towards building Kmt ‘The Black Nation/Land of Black People.” by moving beyond fundamental alienation towards fundamental interrelation.

If you are interested in moving beyond spinning your wheels, this presentation will help you hit the ground running towards actualized ABIBIFAHODIE.

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