Lecture 1 -Where do Black People Come From? (The Beginning is the End) Free the Youth
In this lecture, Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon goes into where Black people come from delving into a plethora of creation stories from the land of Black people throughout space and time including classical Kmt and modern-day Kmt (Dogon, Yorùbá, Songye, n.k.). He then covers the common elements that undergird this shared worldview based on reality rather than eurasian myths based on isft. From there, he goes into 7 million years of hominid history through to homo sapiens sapiens, the first mines, mathematical objects and astronomical observatories up to the dawn of writing. This is an amazing tour de force bringing together knowledge from various disciplines. If you have ever been interested in where Black people come from, purchase this lecture to deepen your knowledge and understanding today!
Duration: 3 hours 8 minutes 22 seconds
58 Slides
Lecture 2 – Why Kemet Matters (Kemet, Kemet!) 2020 Revision – Free the Youth
There has been a concerted effort by many non-Black Egyptologists (and their anti-Black collaborators) to misinform, disinform, and anti-inform the world at large – and Afrikan=Black people – specifically by replacing the indigenous term Kmt ‘Land of Black people’ (rendered conventionally as Kemet) with the relatively meaningless “Ancient Egypt” and the term Kmt(yw) ‘Black people’ with “Ancient Egyptians.” This promises to be an “emBlackening” talk sure to stimulate further discussion, study, and research. Don’t miss it!
Duration: 3 hours, 19 minutes, 31 seconds
129 Slides
Lecture 3 – Traditional Kemet (Throughout Space and Time) – Free the Youth
In this lecture, Ɔbenfo Ọbádélé Kambon goes in depth into the Political History of the Land of Black people Throughout space and time. The presentation goes into a comprehensive case for jettisoning the term “Africa”. From there, Ɔbenfo delves into various societies in the land of Black people (Kemet instead of the greco-roman term “Africa”). The presentation then gives a thorough discussion of the traditional political institution, the Mbôngi, as representative of organizational structure in the land of Black people. This is a definitive, thorough and comprehensive scholarly discussion on the history and politics of Black people bringing university-level scholarship out of the ebony tower through this special initiative of 4 lectures in the community.
173 Slides
3 hours, 23 minutes
Lecture 4 – Kemet for the Kemetiyu Free the Youth
In this lesson:
Are you a s Km ‘Black Man’/ st Kmt ‘Black Woman’
because you are born on the continent now erroneously known as “Afrika”?
Can people who are not born on the continent now known as “Afrika”
Kmt(yw) ‘Black people’?
Can non-Black People be Kmt(yw) ‘Black people’?
Duration: 2 Hours, 42 Minutes, 32 seconds
118 Slides
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