Wat Nt Shemsw: The Way of Companions constitutes an unmitigated perversion of truth, intentionally or unintentionally, with regard to the ancestral myths, culture, and history of classical Kmt ‘Land of Black People’ (i.e. ancient Egypt): This includes following the modern Egyptological convention of the bifurcation of the continuous historical flow of classical Kmt ‘Land of Black People’ into diametric opposites referred to as pre-dynastic and dynastic classical Kmt ‘Land of Black People’, whereby, for Ataa Armah, the former (which is inexplicably and without a shred of evidence associated with the rhetorical ethic of “egalitarianism”) is portrayed as positive and worthy of emulation, and the latter (so-called monarchy), the opposite. The second perversion of truth is found in the inherent contradiction in using Asr, a divine ruler, to argue against divine rulership; the third is in the de-contextualization of mythic texts of classical Kmt ‘Land of Black People’; the fourth is the superimposition of arbitrary eurasian kingship/rulership patterns on classical Kmt ‘Land of Black People’, katha wa katha (k.w.k.).[1]
Against this backdrop, this review will critique the misrepresentations advanced by Ataa Ayi Kwei Armah in Wat Nt Shemsw: The Way of Companions. This will be done through a patient presentation of textual, iconographical and archaeological evidence relating to classical Kmt ‘Land of Black People’. We find it relevant to set the record straight because Ataa Armah’s book, among other things, constitutes the rape of MAat as truth, who is then unceremoniously sacrificed on the altar of the eurasian rhetorical ethic of “egalitarianism.”
[1] k.w.k. Katha wa katha “And so on” (Kiswahili)
Duration: 1 hour, 56 minutes, 3 seconds
47 slides
Originally recorded as a digital streamed discussion from Abibitumi.com to Afrocentricity International on 19 January 2020 at 6PM
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