

This was a live event only. There will be no replay video provided.  Meda wo ase. 

SKU: sku_3052 Category:


Special Note:  This was a live event only. No replay will be made available.

Maat is one of the principle ideals of Ancient Kemet. Maat expresses how the people of Kemet perceived the universe, as well as the social ideals which they believed created a harmonious society. Succinctly stated, Maat exemplifies order, justice, righteousness, and truth within society. Maat is an operative concept, one that does not exist as a static idea, but as a set of ideals and actions wedded for the sake of creating a healthy society. This paper explores the social infrastructure that gives expression to Maat, enabling it to shape the dynamics of African life in antiquity. I extend this analysis to the present and the condition of isfet which besets the African world community. This papers seeks to answer whether Maat, as a comprehensive social practice can inform the work of reclaiming African culture and restoring African sovereignty. In this vein I will explore Maat and African views of the cosmos, the ontology of the human being, the plight of the African world community in the 21 Century, and the capacity of Maat to renew our work and vision for an empowered African world community. I will argue that Maat is not only a framework for understanding and practicing Kemetic culture, but also provides a corresponding mandate for reshaping the world.

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